Such As These Children Centre - Orphanage - Muhanga, Uganda -
And God is able to bless you abundantly,so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. - 2 Corinthians 9:8
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Such As These Children Centre - Orphanage
LOCATION: Muhanga, Uganda
NAME: Such As These Children Centre (Orphanage)
FOUNDER: Samuel Ampurira Benson
Ibasyo, Highland ward, Muhanga town council Rukiga District.
P.o Box  460277 Kabale,
Non governmental organization ( NGO)
Registration Number (INDR156134673 NB)
Registered with with National Bureau for Non governmental organization.
Currently has 13 children.

  • Food - occasionally as funds permit
  • Educational materials - occasionally as funds permit

  • Housing - They are needing around $4000 in repairs/upkeep to their property.
  • Food - approximately $258 per month.
  • Clothing
  • Educational materials
  • School fees
  • Medical Care

$314 usd approximate

$1267 usd approximate not including around $3,630 worth of covid debt.

Income is 25% of Expenses (not including covid debt)
Difference: $953

Samuel's orphanage's biggest monthly expenses are school tuition and school supplies. He has recently hired teachers at his orphanage and turned it back into a school again, which will offset a lot of the school costs. His biggest loan expense is around $3,630 worth of covid debt. The orphanage property needs a lot of upkeep and is in a state of disrepair. He listed numerous items for upkeep, from something called "visitation", painting, tiling, latrine and drainage, tapping water, etc.
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(The following letter has undergone minimal editing so as to bring greater clarity to the reader, but also to remain consistent with the education, culture, and message of its Ugandan author. English is spoken and written different there to some degree. For example: During my visit in Uganda, I saw many barbershops that were incorrectly named, "Saloon" instead of "Salon". I've also commonly seen Ugandans use the word "pattern" when they meant "partner" (when they desire to partner with someone in ministry). I believe that this is commonly taught incorrectly in Uganda. While English is the second language in Uganda, many incorrect words like this are commonplace there due to the various levels of education of the populace.)

A Letter From Their Founder:
The project Started in September 2020.
After seeing the number of orphaned, Abandoned, hurting children that was growing at alarming late. I came with simple vision: To provide a home.

We are Christians non denominational and non profit Making organisation.

Our Objectives:
1.  To bring children in love and fear of God.
2.  Raising children to become good and responsible citizens.
3.  To bring them to maturity as they developed in self control, wisdom, knowledge and understanding .
4.  To train them to become self sufficient individuals as they depend on God.
5. To sharpen them as arrows to the community that will carry on divine vision to the next generation.
6. To prepare the children for future responsible relationship as they grow to become better father's and mothers of their families.
7. To inculcate good morals and discipline in children as leaders for tomorrow.
8. To carry out advocacy, counseling and sensitization for child rights and responsibilities.
9. To work with other NGO'S with interest in the welfare of of of children.

BACK GROUND SUCH AS THESE CHILDREN CENTRE ( Orphanage) in Muhanga , Rukiga District ( Greater Kabale). Part of western Uganda.
Pastor SAMUEL AMPURIRA BENSON came out with a simple vision in September 2020 during COVID-19 lockdown after seeing the number of fatherless,orphaned, abandoned, neglected and hurting children that was growing at an alarming rate, as result of wars, diseases, natural disasters and social turmoil which had destroyed and still destroying families and tearing children from arms of those should love them , care for them and raise them up, God gave me a vision of working together with body of Christ to reach and disciple the unreached by use of evangelism and disciple the unreached by use of evangelism and discipleship plus helping those who are suffering. We have taken children who had living on streets and have initiated programs of helping widows struggling in poverty SUCH AS THESE CHILDREN CENTRE, a home for orphans and neglected children . This is an attempt to provide the basic needs of these desperate children , while at the same time giving them  a decent education and opportunity to learn about the SAVIOR. The vision is to provide  spiritual fathers and mothers for generation lacking them, and prepare them to lead their nation in future. HOW ARE WE DIFFERENT? Be a parent to all of his children, we at SUCH AS THESE CHILDREN CENTRE assurance that God is a father to the fatherless and they belong to a family , we don't just give them food we teach our children to have faith in their FATHER and discover their creative talents and we give them hope to fulfill their vocational dreams HOW CAN YOU HELP? The simple truth is that these children can not reach their  goals with only one meal a day a meal in their bellies without enough food , they cannot concentrate on studying and their bodies Can not fend off malaria and other illness so common in Africa. Blow are some of specific basic items these children need. If God is calling you to do "something " and you don't you don't quite know that, it's not coincidence that you reading this right now. Even $5 Can buy one of these desperate children a sweater, socks and shoes! You have the power to literally save a life. If you would like a personal relationship with a Ugandan child. Have you ever had a cold feet? Please getting rid of yours to to warm theirs today.

Some food and supply costs for children at our orphanage.
1. Exercise books ( 2 Dozen s) = $ 11 for 3 month.
2. Stockings  =$ 0.5 for 3 month.
3. Shoes ( 1pair) = $14 once a year.
4. Sweater = $ 8 for once a year.
5. Geometry set = $ 0.5 once a year.
6.   Pencils ( 1 Dozen) = $ 0.3 for 3 month a term.
7. Exams fee  perm 3 month= $ 3.
8. Breakfast  per term 3 month= $ 19.
9.   Ruled papers  once a year =
10. Handbag once a year  = $ 14.
11.  2 kgs of sugar = $3.   
12. School uniform once a year = 14.
13.   2 bars of soap ( 3 month) = $5.
14.   1 Tin of shoes Polish =$ 1.5 for 3 month.
15.   1 Tin of vaceline = $1.5.
16.    Toilet papers 10 rolls= $ 1.5.
17. Food( Lunch and supper) per child monthly = $  20.
We have one staff at orphanage monthly upkeep = $ 60 per month.
Medical expenses not known but ranges averagely $ 10 monthly.
"Sharing the supernatural provision & love of God through Jesus Christ with others in their time of need."

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