ACCASO MISSION, Kansinga Village, Uganda -
And God is able to bless you abundantly,so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. - 2 Corinthians 9:8
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ACCASO Mission
LOCATION: Kansinga Village, Uganda
NAME: Occaso Mission (Agape Child Care And Savers Organization)
FOUNDER: Elliott Jayve
+256 770 396401
  • Food - occasionally as funds permit

  • Educational materials
  • School Tuition fees
  • Medical Care (as needed.)

ACCASO's Mission:
To Contribute to the improvement of the lives of Orphans and Vulnerable children through advocacy and lobbying, provision of material support, sensitization, skills-enhancing and networking with partners.

"An Empowered, Children And Youth Community Enjoying the Abundant life and Love of God".
I Believe that Together with the help of Multiply the Loaves , we will be able to see our Vulnerable children being empowered and able to Enjoy the Abundant life and Love of God.

(The following letter has undergone minimal editing so as to bring greater clarity to the reader, but also to remain consistent with the education, culture, and message of its Ugandan author. English is spoken and written different there to some degree. For example: During my visit in Uganda, I saw many barbershops that were incorrectly named, "Saloon" instead of "Salon". I've also commonly seen Ugandans use the word "pattern" when they meant "partner" (when they desire to partner with someone in ministry). I believe that this is commonly taught incorrectly in Uganda. While English is the second language in Uganda, many incorrect words like this are commonplace there due to the various levels of education of the populace.)

A Letter From Occaso's Founder:

My Name is Elliott Jayve, I'm a Born Again Christian, born and raised in Kabale district, Uganda, East Africa.  I was born in nyaruhanga Village, Nyakagyera parish, Kyanamira Subcounty, Ndorwa East Constituency, Kabale district. I grew up from Kansinga Village in burambira while  living with my grandmother.

Growing Up as a child, I faced alot of challenges and difficulties. I grew while having a lot of questions to God , and I would ask him , why me? , why I'm I facing all these challenges? You know what it means to be Born from  a Violent family, where Domestic Violence is always ever an everyday portion .  It is always emotional for me while sharing my story to everyone 😭😭 I faced rejection and abuses from my community and family members while growing up as a child.  My own father rejected me and said  I'm not his child and he cannot live with me in the house.  He went ahead and called the community leaders including our Lc Chairman to Chase me way from our home. On this day,  I felt like I was shutterd, I was torned apart, I felt like I don't belong anywhere in the world 😭💔. And I continued to ask my self and God why me?.

On this same day , on my way while leaving home and not even knowing where I was going, My older brother hidden him self and tried to Kill me because I don't belong to their family 😭💔.  He tried to chop my left part of my body with a panga and I saved my self, He again  tried to chop my neck and he said " today you will die" and then I saved my self. He had a big stick and used it to beat me on my forehead ,   I felt dizzy and fell in the bunch,  down on the road side ,  Alot of people were there but they couldn't help me instead they said that he was supposed to Kill me because I don't belong to their family and that my mother gave birth to me from another man whom I don't know upto now 😭💔😭.  ( This is when I felt rejection from my community and family😭) . I always tell my self that it is always okay for me to always break down in tears and cry while sharing my story. I cried A lot,  fought emotional and spiritual struggles,  Shed tears, and  asked my self alot of questions. I faced all these difficulties, and couldn't be able to get where I could  find Love, peace , Joy and shelter!

After crying alot with so much pain in my heart, I went to a Pastor to look for more wisdom and Grace Of God to be upon my life , and I explained everything to her that happened in my life and what was exactly happening at that moment .  I needed to seek  God and live with him all my life. Then , my pastor saw alot of anger that I had for my father and family and the community and she said to me , Forgive them And The Lord with send his heaven to come down for your sake . I started to pray and to seek God more that ever before. One day , The Lord spoke to me and said Elliott , Crying will not help You. He again Spoke to me so well and said that there are so many children in the world who are facing the same problems and difficulties just like you and all they need is acceptance, please gather them and talk to them and tell them that it's going to be alright! And this is how my healing journey Started,  Finding healing, joy , Love , Comfort and Peace in  Serving the work of God and humanity in the Lord Jesus. I read in the book of (Psalms chapter 27 verse 10 )  " Though my father and mother forsake me , The Lord will receive me". I read this verse and it continued to Give me so much joy and healing and I continued to experience Life, full of tears, difficulties and Life full of the grace of God and this is how ACCASO started through hearing from God telling me to gather the children and speak to them and tell them that it's going to be alright!!

- Elliott Jaye
Kindly meet two of our ACCASO children who just completed primary school , they will be joining highschool next year in February!
Esau has now been Sponsored and he will be joining Senior two in highschool next year by the power and Grace Of God. 1, 2 ,3 , thank you Jesus 🙏
Gumoshabe Lania Witness
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Beautiful Moments during bible study lessons with the children
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"Sharing the supernatural provision & love of God through Jesus Christ with others in their time of need."

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