Northgate Uganda - Church -
And God is able to bless you abundantly,so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. - 2 Corinthians 9:8
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Nkurunziza - Family
LOCATION: Kisoro, Uganda
NAME: Nkurunziza, Peter Family
Pastor - Northgate International Ministries LTD (AKA Northgate Uganda)
Kisoro, Uganda
+256 778837367
Inspired by, but not necessarily affiliated with, Northgate Alaska Church that is located in Wasilla, AK.
To answer any questions on this regard, please contact Nkurunziza at or via WhatsApp +256 778-837367.

  • Rent - 157,500 UGX = approximately $45.00 USD (as funds permit)
  • Food/Rent/Supplies/Medical Relief - (as funds permit)
  • Motorcycle Purchase - A modest motorcycle that provides much-needed transportation for Pastor Nkurunziza into the back country hills of Uganda to minister to families.

150,000 ugx, $43 usd approximate

1,690,000 ugx, $483 usd approximate

Income is 9% of Expenses
Difference: $440.00

Pastor Nkurunziza is our main contact in who assists us in vetting orphanages, ministries, and families in need in Uganda. Ervin Malcuit has a great friendship with him and has personally met him during his trip to Uganda in 2021.  Nukurunziza is currently driving a taxi to provide for his two sons as well as being a pastor of a small church congregation in Kisoro. He is a single parent and has had to hire live-in help to care for his two sons while he works.

Orphaned Man Helping Orphans
Joshua Mbogoli, orphaned at a young age, takes good care of the orphaned youth under his care and those in his village. He raises funds for their food, education, and general well-being. Having had fairly long discussions with Joshua, it has become apparent that he not only desires to provide for these children materially, but also with great care - genuine love. He asks deep...
Published by Ervin Malcuit - 14 Oct 2024
Grinding Sorghum Into Flour To Make Drink - UGANDA
I was grinding sorghum making flour from it that is used to make Local porridge(ubushera), which is commonly drank instead of water because of how hard it is to get good water in Uganda. The saying in Uganda goes, "Give water to your enemy, but sorghum to...
Published by Nkurunziza Peter & Ervin Malcuit - 10 Oct 2024
Motorcycles: The "Semi-Trucks" of Uganda
The motorcycle, specifically the Baha brand, is the semi-truck and railroad of Uganda. From being used to carry up to 4 (perhaps more?) passengers at once, to transporting a huge bundle of groceries (5+ft above the bike), to transporting agricultural goods, these motorcycles are used to do...
Published by Ervin Malcuit - 09 Oct 2024
(This letter has undergone minimal editing so as to bring greater clarity to the reader, but also to remain consistent with the education, culture, and message of its Ugandan author, Pastor Nkurunziza. English is spoken and written different there to some degree. For example: During my visit in Uganda, I saw many barbershops that were incorrectly named, "Soloon" instead of "Salon". While English is the second language in Uganda, many incorrect words like this are commonplace there due to the various levels of education of the populace.)

A Letter From Pastor Nkurunziza:
Northgate Uganda church, is a church based in Kabale south western Uganda being Pastored by Pr. Nkurunziza Peter (TEAM JESUS)

The church's mandate is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ and letting people know who Jesus is and what he can do thus bringing them salvation that leads the people who don't understand Jesus to join the Kingdom.

As Jesus calls desciples to go and preach and Baptise whoever accepts, we also move in families (door to door) spreading the gospel and praying for the sick to be healed.

We also sometimes have a radio program that we pay when ever we are able, it costs 200,000 a month but paid two months 400,000.

We have a rented place where we gather every Sunday for worship but we are hopping to have our own promises and build a prayer center where people can go for prayers day and night every day.  This prayer center can also help homeless people to camp near by. (Future plans by God's grace).  Our Church has public address system (PA), and a generator which came out of help of Mulitply The Loaves support and church member contributions.

Our Church ensures to see every believing heart healed, the families united and nations transformed by the love of Christ.

I dream of someday preaching the gospel in the United States of America and visiting my good friend, Ervin in Wasilla, AK. I also dream of someday attaining US citizenship.

- Pastor Nkurunziza
Northgate Alaska International Ministries LTD (AKA Northgate Uganda)
"Sharing the supernatural provision & love of God through Jesus Christ with others in their time of need."

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