Ramathan Family - Starline - Magongolo Village, Uganda - MultiplyTheLoaves.com
And God is able to bless you abundantly,so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. - 2 Corinthians 9:8
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Ramathan Family
LOCATION: Magongolo Village, Mityana, Uganda
NAME: Ramathan Family
FOUNDER: Kyewalabye Ramathan Mayanja
P.O.BOX 130
Mityana, Uganda
  • Rent -  (as funds permit)
  • Food - occasionally as funds permit
  • Educational materials & student tuition - occasionally as funds permit

  • Educational materials
  • School Tuition fees
  • Medical Care (as needed.)
  • Build an orphanage home

$97 usd approximate


Income is 56% of Expenses
Difference: $75

Orphaned Man Helping Orphans
Joshua Mbogoli, orphaned at a young age, takes good care of the orphaned youth under his care and those in his village. He raises funds for their food, education, and general well-being. Having had fairly long discussions with Joshua, it has become apparent that he not only desires to provide for these children materially, but also with great care - genuine love. He asks deep...
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Grinding Sorghum Into Flour To Make Drink - UGANDA
I was grinding sorghum making flour from it that is used to make Local porridge(ubushera), which is commonly drank instead of water because of how hard it is to get good water in Uganda. The saying in Uganda goes, "Give water to your enemy, but sorghum to...
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Published by Ervin Malcuit - 09 Oct 2024
(The following letter has undergone minimal editing so as to bring greater clarity to the reader, but also to remain consistent with the education, culture, and message of its Ugandan author. English is spoken and written different there to some degree. For example: During my visit in Uganda, I saw many barbershops that were incorrectly named, "Saloon" instead of "Salon". I've also commonly seen Ugandans use the word "pattern" when they meant "partner" (when they desire to partner with someone in ministry). I believe that this is commonly taught incorrectly in Uganda. While English is the second language in Uganda, many incorrect words like this are commonplace there due to the various levels of education of the populace.)

A Letter From Starline's Founder:

I am called KYEWALABYE RAMATHAN, born on 12th December 2000. Due to the suffering and hard life, my mother passed through, to raise me and my siblings, after the abduction of my father,

Me and her (my mother) decided to help other little kids not to pass through the same hardship as they are growing up too. So we started a Charity organization/Orphanage called Starline Children's Ministries. Starline was founded in late 2019 and is dedicated to changing the lives of needy children and single mothers in our community and the entire nation. Right now, we have 37 kids staying with us and another 28 kids who stay with their single mothers and grannies who can’t afford to support them fully for their betterness. We wish the number to increase daily who we can help due to the suffering of many kids on the streets in our community, town, and the entire nation of Uganda.
With our organization’s mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for dealing with the challenges of encountering children with no fundamental and essential needs met. We try to find the support for our kids to be supported, share. and be in good growing and glowing life as those who live with their biological parents to help them have access to food, healthcare, education, parental guidance, and so on.

For any kid or any other person, food is the main necessity for growth and healthy life. We are always in need of food throughout but sometimes it gets worse for us to get food, due to low earnings and support. We do have land we are renting to grow food but it is small to provide for the orphanage, so we are in need to buy or rent a bigger piece of land but by God’s will we know it's possible with you friends when we join hands for betterness

Medical support is a need, kids get sick by default as humans but prevention for some incidents can be the best. The most common disease which always attacks kids here is malaria which is caused by mosquitos. Because not all the kids here at the orphanage have mosquito nets to sleep under during the night hence direct penetration/bite to them. I am really sorry to report this but one of the kids a number of months back, died of Malaria and in case of this and any other medical emergencies, your support is greatly appreciated.

We are housing 37 kids renting a home as the shelter for the kids to sleep, stay, and call home. We are renting it at between Ugx.785,000 -800,000 ($216), But besides that, we have a home that we were building to own our permanent residence but it stopped due to a decline in support. We will be happy if the house is completed for our kids to move in to permanently so that we don't have to pay rent to someone.

Preparing kids for the coming era is our priority because an illiterate child can't feed themself easily in this generation to come. So, we try hard to get them the best education. In order for our kids to be able to go to school, we are always in need of scholastic supplies, such as school fees, books, pens, colors, shoes, socks uniforms, sets, bags, and so on.  If God wishes, we will own a school also in name of STARLINE EDUCATION CENTRE.

If you have clothes and shoes you're not using that you would like to donate, we welcome them here to the orphanage to be reused by the children. What may be unwanted to you would be a big blessing to these kids and you may not know how many precious smiles you will unhide for such a donation. Please mail to:
Kyewalabye Ramathan
P.O.BOX 130
Mityana, Uganda

We call upon your support for our outreach to families in need, elders and sick in hospitals, slum areas, deep villages, and bad living.

It's difficult to transport to and from our area in case of getting basic needs from the main town, taking kids to school and hospitals, outreaches, etc. Charges are highly imposed by the cars owners (taxis) and boda's (motorbike taxis). So we humbly ask for support so that we may own our own method of transport for emergency and smooth running of our projects.

We have projects on our minds that we want to put into existence with time: These include Poultry Keeping, Animal Rearing, Plant Farming, and so on.

Thank you for your consideration.

- Kyewalabye Ramathan Mayanja

"Sharing the supernatural provision & love of God through Jesus Christ with others in their time of need."

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