Joshua Mbogoli - Mzuri Family -
And God is able to bless you abundantly,so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. - 2 Corinthians 9:8
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Joshua Mbogoli - Family
LOCATION: Bugiri, Uganda
NAME: Joshua Mbogoli Family
  • Occasional Family Support (as funds permit)

  • Food
  • Medical Care
  • Clothing money
  • Shoe money
  • School Fees
  • School Supplies
  • Medical Care
  • Home Purchased

$157 usd approximate


Income is 25% of Expenses
Difference: $475

Joshua provides much-needed care, provision, and school tuition/supplies for children in his village area.
Orphaned Man Helping Orphans
Joshua Mbogoli, orphaned at a young age, takes good care of the orphaned youth under his care and those in his village. He raises funds for their food, education, and general well-being. Having had fairly long discussions with Joshua, it has become apparent that he not only desires to provide for these children materially, but also with great care - genuine love. He asks deep...
Published by Ervin Malcuit - 14 Oct 2024
Grinding Sorghum Into Flour To Make Drink - UGANDA
I was grinding sorghum making flour from it that is used to make Local porridge(ubushera), which is commonly drank instead of water because of how hard it is to get good water in Uganda. The saying in Uganda goes, "Give water to your enemy, but sorghum to...
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Motorcycles: The "Semi-Trucks" of Uganda
The motorcycle, specifically the Baha brand, is the semi-truck and railroad of Uganda. From being used to carry up to 4 (perhaps more?) passengers at once, to transporting a huge bundle of groceries (5+ft above the bike), to transporting agricultural goods, these motorcycles are used to do...
Published by Ervin Malcuit - 09 Oct 2024
(The following letter has undergone minimal editing so as to bring greater clarity to the reader, but also to remain consistent with the education, culture, and message of its Ugandan author. English is spoken and written different there to some degree. For example: During my visit in Uganda, I saw many barbershops that were incorrectly named, "Saloon" instead of "Salon". I've also commonly seen Ugandans use the word "pattern" when they meant "partner" (when they desire to partner with someone in ministry). I believe that this is commonly taught incorrectly in Uganda. While English is the second language in Uganda, many incorrect words like this are commonplace there due to the various levels of education of the populace.)

A Letter From Joshua:

There was a day when I had nothing to eat. The harsh sunlight had to hit me hard and made me dehydrated and had no water 💦 to drink. At a tender age I stayed outside in darkness on the streets and slept in unfinished houses and on roadside dirty spots/stalls. Staying hungry all day and the only way to get a coin 🪙 was walking 🚶 long distances collecting dumped plastic bottles and old abandoned metals, which I had to sell for a coin. 🪙 This was done with several attacks from different street groups. Walking barefooted with dirty tone clothes. No human could help the class of people in that state. By then, we lived like enemies of the well off people.   I used to cry for my situation and for others. And the second thing that made me cry was when I turned to God for rescue. Every word I used to say came from my heart and together with tears. Whenever I saw well off children with good homes and their daily spending I felt like we have a different God.  Later everything changed and with some differences. To date, Uganda has a number of 20,000 homeless children. This is the minimum estimate as of 2019 statistics 📊 showed 15,000 children and to date it can even be beyond this estimation. The largest number of children comes from northern Uganda in parts of Karamojja, Arua, and neighboring districts.  The purpose for me in holding on was granted to me by God. I feel so sad whenever I hear that people are still dying and starving from hunger in some parts of Uganda. And this is the bitter truth we can’t find published in the media and very many people can’t believe this because it’s totally unbelievable unless you get a clear experience about it. Praise God that people trust me and I receive donations once in a while for my family and friends especially the old, the vulnerable and the sick. My prayer to God every is to enable me to expand my knowledge and my reach, create a very good team and continue to do wonders in my community all by God’s will.

Joshua Mbogoli
"Sharing the supernatural provision & love of God through Jesus Christ with others in their time of need."

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