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And God is able to bless you abundantly,so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. - 2 Corinthians 9:8
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Join our cause to HELP those in need in Uganda and Alaska.
Who we are supporting in Uganda:
It is our great privilege to provide on-going support for the following Ugandan orphanages & families as well as many others periodically as the need arises. During the Covid 19 pandemic, Ugandan citizens suffered lock-downs/quarantines and many couldn't work or provide for themselves. During this time, many were given critical support (food, rent, capital to start small businesses, etc.)

We desire to empower people in Uganda and teach them to steward their resources well so that they may prosper as well as benefit generations after them.
Unlike the old adage, our goal isn't to just give a person a fish and feed them for a day or even to teach a person to fish so that they are well fed for a lifetime.
We desire to teach a person to fish and to teach then to teach others to fish as well.
1,2,3... Thank you, Lord Jesus!
(Select a picture below to learn more.)
"Sharing the supernatural provision & love of God through Jesus Christ with others in their time of need."
MULTIPLY THE LOAVES is a non-denominational provision ministry. Our goal is to become the super-natural provision & love of God through Jesus Christ to others in their time of need.

-SHARING the Gospel in one of its simplest forms - mercy/financial relief for individuals, families, orphans, widows in financial distress in Alaska to Uganda and beyond. God is a loving Father who provides for his children.
- HELPING to train and equip others toward better employment and gain financial stability, from basic life skills to owning a business, building and employing... a sure footing on the Rock.
- OVERFLOWING the Kingdom goodness of God into others until they overflow into others as well, whether churched or unchurched/believer or non-believer.
- PRAY, PRAY, PRAY in faith, believing for those whom we assist to be eternally impacted by Jesus who himself is the one who meets all of our need according to His riches in glory (see Philippians 4:19), whether spiritually, financially, or physically.

- to SHARE within in a world of limitations the Kingdom of Heaven, which has none.
- to HERALD a blessed people who may have gone through hard times at some point in their lives and having received (tasted) of the goodness of God, to become radical givers to those who could use the same opportunity.
- to EMPOWER those who are RECIPIENTS of this ministry to eventually go out and bless others and likewise share the love of God through Jesus Christ in every way afforded them.
Thank you for joining us in this pursuit!

FATHER, we ask that you would multiply every seed sown, that we would be GREAT stewards of your resources and help others to be so as well. We ask for lives to be radically changed through the extravagant love of your death and resurrection in the person of your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, and through the amazing generosity/faith of your people. We ask that you would multiply the loaves in our day and show us how to join you in all that you do! In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

1,2,3... Thank you, Lord Jesus!
Food & Clothing & clothing assistance.
Even just $10 goes a long ways to feeding a family 5 in Uganda.
...Emergency financial aid. Here in the U.S., the money may not extend as far as Uganda, but we also help with one-time. emergency financial aid to struggling families.
School & Education
...Tuition & book fees.
Unlike the U.S., education isn't paid for by the Uganda government, yet it is still required and even under penalty of time in jail.
Health Care
...Emergency hospital/clinic bill assistance. Whether in Uganda or the U.S. hospital bills need to be paid.
...Agreement in prayer. Malaria is rampant in Uganda. We continue to agree in prayer for Uganda's orphanages to be Malaria-free by the blood of Jesus. For any person anywhere,  we have a heart to pray for others and to believe God for healing by Jesus' body which was broken for our healing.  His bread/body was broken that our bread/body would be made whole! God is good!
Prayer, Bibles, & the Gospel
...Prayer support by taking the time to really get to know God's beloved people the best we can and show the love of Jesus by agreeing with them in prayer for all that is needed.
...Bibles in Uganda & the U.S. which are in the reader's language. assistance for Radio airtime for a local church in Kabale, Uganda to preach the Gospel.
...the good news of Jesus Christ and His amazing love, shared with all who we encounter!

1,2,3... Thank you, Lord Jesus!
We are Christian group of families raising funds to make life better for the impoverished people of Uganda.
$26.00 USD (U.S Dollars)
95,861.00 UGX (Uganda Schillings)
Approximately one month's rent for a family of 5 people!
(in Uganda.)
Every penny adds up and makes a HUGE difference. Here's the approximate conversion rate of USD to UGX.
Orphaned Man Helping Orphans
Joshua Mbogoli, orphaned at a young age, takes good care of the orphaned youth under his care and those in his village. He raises funds for their food, education, and general well-being. Having had fairly long discussions with Joshua, it has become apparent that he not only desires to provide for these children materially, but also with great care - genuine love. He asks deep...
Published by Ervin Malcuit - 14 Oct 2024
Grinding Sorghum Into Flour To Make Drink - UGANDA
I was grinding sorghum making flour from it that is used to make Local porridge(ubushera), which is commonly drank instead of water because of how hard it is to get good water in Uganda. The saying in Uganda goes, "Give water to your enemy, but sorghum to...
Published by Nkurunziza Peter & Ervin Malcuit - 10 Oct 2024
Motorcycles: The "Semi-Trucks" of Uganda
The motorcycle, specifically the Baha brand, is the semi-truck and railroad of Uganda. From being used to carry up to 4 (perhaps more?) passengers at once, to transporting a huge bundle of groceries (5+ft above the bike), to transporting agricultural goods, these motorcycles are used to do...
Published by Ervin Malcuit - 09 Oct 2024
"Sharing the supernatural provision & love of God through Jesus Christ with others in their time of need."

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