MAGRA Orphanage - Kabale, Uganda -
And God is able to bless you abundantly,so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. - 2 Corinthians 9:8
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MAGRA Orphanage
LOCATION: Kabale, Uganda
NAME: MAGRA Orphanage Foundation
FOUNDER: Rash Devis
Former Associate Pastor - Northgate International Ministries LTD (AKA Northgate Uganda)
Director - MAGRA Orphanage Foundation
Kabale, Uganda
+256 785239183
  • Rent - 250,000 UGX = Approximately $70.00 (Their rent for two years, expiring at the end of 2025, has been covered by a private donation. After that, they will need to purchase or relocate.
  • Food - occasionally as funds permit
  • Classroom repair  - installed cement flooring for outbuilding classroom so that children didn't have to sit in the mud during the rainy season.
  • Teacher pay - occasionally as funds permit
  • Educational materials - occasionally as funds permit
  • Toy Garden - Named after one of our board members, this vertical gardening project is revolutionising the way the orphanage is approaching growing their food.

  • Food - ($7,500 feeds the entire orphanage for a year.)
  • Educational materials
  • School fees
  • 3-Month Education Term - $93 per child
  • Medical Care
  • Rent - 250,000 UGX = Approximately $70.00 (Their rent for two years, expiring at the end of 2025, has been covered by a private donation. After that, they will need to purchase the land they are renting or relocate.
  • Classroom repair - installed cement flooring for outbuilding classroom so that children didn't have to sit in the mud during the rainy season.
  • Teacher pay
  • Land purchase by the end of 2025
  • Build an orphanage home - (if having to relocate and can purchase land.)

3,600,000 ugx, $1,028 usd approximate

7,707,000 ugx, $2,202.00 usd approximate

Income is 47% of Expenses
Difference: $1,174.00
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(The following letter has undergone minimal editing so as to bring greater clarity to the reader, but also to remain consistent with the education, culture, and message of its Ugandan author. English is spoken and written different there to some degree. For example: During my visit in Uganda, I saw many barbershops that were incorrectly named, "Saloon" instead of "Salon". I've also commonly seen Ugandans use the word "pattern" when they meant "partner" (when they desire to partner with someone in ministry). I believe that this is commonly taught incorrectly in Uganda. While English is the second language in Uganda, many incorrect words like this are commonplace there due to the various levels of education of the populace.)

A Letter From MAGRA's Founder:
MAGRA stands  for "Miserable Abandoned Groups Redemption Agency".

MAGRA Jr. School & Orphanage is a non-profit organization aiming at "restoring the lost hope" by providing medical care, clothing, feeding, and education, improving the standards of vulnerable and orphaned children in Kabale district in the Rwanda-Uganda borders. MAGRA started a school and orphanage home that is currently helping 104 less fortunate children. The organization was started due to the increasing number of vulnerable and orphaned children in the area. This was a result of:
  • Death of parents due to wars,
  • Normal death
  • Child neglect due to pre-Marital sex and early pregnancies
  • Child abandonment

The 1994 Rwanda genocide left many people dead, displaced, raped, and sexually abused in many ways both in Rwanda and neighboring parts most particularly in Kabale district leading to an increase in the number of abandoned, miserable, and orphaned children. In response to this, therefore, it was deemed necessary to start suchlike an organization. Despite the government's effort to educate such children through Universal Primary Education (UPE) and Universal Secondary Education (USE), it was still difficult for the children affected by the genocide, displaced, and neglected, to attain scholastic materials like books, pens, uniforms, and even food. It was found out that some children as young as 14 years were taking care of families of more than four members. Others are being taken care of by very old grandparents of more than 80yrs of age. This has left many vulnerable children unable to access education and other basic needs.

As much as MAGRA has tried to help out these children, it's still challenging. Therefore, getting regular meals, clothing, medical care, rent, scholastic materials, bedding, and enough accommodation is very difficult as the number of vulnerable children is increasing rapidly. In addition, transportation of children to the orphanage and to school is very difficult & usually done with a single motorcycle carrying 3 or 4 people. We are also challenged by a safe water shortage as children have to travel long distances to reach a water source that is clean.

Through MTL, our organization welcomes your goodwill to extend the love of Christ to vulnerable children. Every penny donated is used to purchase educational materials, uniforms, textbooks, classroom blocks, orphanage supplies, medical equipment, land, food, clothes, and transportation.

It costs us $50 per month to cater to the general welfare of a child. It would, however, cost $83 to educate a child for a term of three months. Every amount of donation either one time, monthly, termly, or annually is welcome thus supporting the children through education, food, clothing, and medication. I invite you to help us to create a lifetime impact on a child.


- Rash Devis
Founder of MAGRA Jr. School & Orphanage

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"Sharing the supernatural provision & love of God through Jesus Christ with others in their time of need."

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