Our Story - Ervin & Brandy - MultiplyTheLoaves.com
And God is able to bless you abundantly,so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. - 2 Corinthians 9:8
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Our Story - Ervin & Brandy
Wasilla, Alaska, United States Of America
Ervin & Brandy Malcuit

Ervin & Brandy's Story:
Hello. My name is Ervin. Allow me to invite you to my family's "Multiply The Loaves & Uganda" journey. My son, Yoseph, and I embarked on our first-ever trip overseas in May of 2022 to Uganda. We paid for our entire trip ourselves and invited others into the process of financially blessing the Ugandan people our family had been helping. This was an invitation to both prayer and giving to whoever would accept if God lead to do so. Here's our story,

A few days before Thanksgiving in Nov., of 2020, my wife, Brandy, stumbled upon a social post by a young man named Yiga which concerned her. Yiga had asked for prayer on a prominent evangelist's page and shared that he wanted to commit suicide. Brandy inquired of Yiga why. He had shared with us that he and his younger brothers and sisters hadn't eaten in 5 days and it pained him much to hear them crying at night with hunger. Recent to that time, his father, who was the breadwinner for their family, passed away and this plunged their family into poverty. Yiga never asked for anything from us other than prayer. As an act of faith, we buried our best, freshly baked loaf of bread and prayed that God would somehow get it to his family, whether symbolically, or in reality, and that they would supernaturally have food on their plates that very day. - Hey.... we serve a God of miracles! However, we also wanted to know if there was some way we could help financially. This began our journey.... and they had food on their plate that very day just as we had prayed! They had loaves of bread, maize meal (corn meal), matoke (bananas), and even soda. The pictures and video he sent showing how happy their family was changed my life. We wanted to do more. We began a journey of giving financially as often as we could and inviting others to do so too. This made a huge difference for their family. Thus far, we have helped them pay off their small home, purchase chickens for yearly meal celebrations, purchase a male and female pig to breed and save up for a farm for them to become self-sufficient. Let me be clear... self-sufficiency for everyone is our goal. That, and blessing others is something Yiga is always willing to do. He even apologized once and let us know that he had used some of the money to bless others in his village. Needless to say, that made us very happy to hear and we made it clear to him that we desired for him to do exactly that - BLESS, BLESS, BLESS OTHERS TOO!.... And believe God to do impossible things, by Jesus Christ! This young man will continue to be a blessing to his community and I believe will become like a father to many children in his community.

During this time, I also got acquainted with another young man, Nkurunziza Peter, a pastor who also lives in Uganda. I affectionately call him Pastor Nuke! An Alaskan pastor friend of mine, who had already visited him before, introduced me to him on social media before I eventually spent two weeks with him in Uganda. Life was also very difficult for this young man who was also a new father, pastor of a small congregation, teacher/helper to youth at a school in his area, and provider of his own orphanage. We also began to assist him and his wife with monthly support, and helped them start a small store front until they were able to do things on their own. One of the projects we accomplished together was to help him build a new home for his parents as their old one had fallen into a state of disrepair and had become dangerous. (Later on, one of his uncles passed away because of a home that collapsed due to erosion.) They recently moved into the new home when it was still under construction with dirt as the floor and the framing bricks as the inside walls. This home does not and will not have running water or electricity, neither of which are common in their particular area. At most, they may have an extension chord that goes up to the roof with a tiny solar panel to provide for an evening light bulb. During the height of the pandemic and ensuing lockdown in Uganda, we were fortunate enough to be able to provide much food support to his community, which kept many from starvation. He gave this as well as other much-needed victuals. With the help of his church, we also repaired the main water fountain for a village that had broken down. He now has a car that helps him to transport himself and others as well as supplies for his family and others in their community. He also preaches the gospel on a local radio. Nuke also introduced me to various orphanages during my two-week journey. One of these was Magra Orphanage and Jr. School. Please read more about this on our website.

It is my desire to be a good steward of the resources God has blessed me with which we are using to bless those in Uganda & the US. Part of doing this meant to me that I needed to see these people face to face, experience their predicament, dream with them, strategize with them, etc. We stepped out in faith to fly there to do this and were absolutely stunned to discover the difference we made for people. My son, Yoseph, and asked a local pastor to introduce us to people and we went house to house praying and blessing people. We visited local orphanages which we were supporting and got to see first-hand how people live there.... their struggles, their unity, and their goals for creating a better life for their children. It is my desire to get people to a greater place of prosperity in which they can be self-sufficient and able to bless others abundantly. Sometimes, they also just need to get through a hard time. Truly though, this vision is beyond my family alone and I felt that it was time to invite others into the privilege to give in 2022. My wife and I and a small group of friends started a 501c3 non-profit in 2022 named Multiply The Loaves, INC. Unfortunately, we had to discontinue MTL in late 2024 due to a lack of donations. However, I still eagerly desire to help people over in Uganda. As when we were a non-profit, we are still teamed up with Northgate Alaska International Ministries (AKA Northgate Uganda), MAGRA Orphanage, Such As These Children Center, and various other orphanages to be a blessing to the impoverished families and children in Uganda. Please consider a donation of any amount. All donations will be sent to Northgate Uganda or to one of the orphanages listed on our website and receipts will be posted on our website every time we donate displaying to whom and the amounts. If you leave in the memo section what ministry you would like your donated funds to go to, I will make sure it is disbursed accordingly. Thank you for your consideration.
Let's do this together!

1,2,3... Thank you Lord Jesus!


Ervin Malcuit Jr.

Ervin & Brandy have been married since 1997 and have 12 children together (6 boys, 6 girls). Half of their children are grown and the other half are still at home. They are innovators at heart and have started several businesses over the years. They currently serve their community in Wasilla, Alaska helping people buy and sell real estate as REALTORS(R).

Ervin & Brandy met in their youth and started out in the restaurant business, Ervin as a waiter, Brandy as a busser. One of their adult daughters likes to say that her father was a waitress and her mother was a busboy. :-) They got married and started a family at the young ages of 21 & 17. The financial struggle was real for them and they slowly learned to trust Jesus not only to be their Savior but also their Healer, and Provider. They discovered a very personal, loving God who provided Himself as the sacrifice, the Seed who was sown/planted that all the commodities of Heaven may be reaped on earth. God met them where they were and gave them work experience over the years that helped to bless and provide for their family. They felt to actively "reach" to believe God for provision for their family. In this "reaching", they discovered a good Father who was waiting with a smile to provide "exceedingly, abundantly above all that they could ask or think." (see Ephesians 3:20) It turns out that the idea to Multiply The Loaves as Jesus did, has been in their DNA from the beginning. They desire to share this Jesus, this loving Father, who provides all of Himself for all of us, with the world around them and to all who will listen.
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"Sharing the supernatural provision & love of God through Jesus Christ with others in their time of need."

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