-SHARING the Gospel in one of its simplest forms - mercy/financial relief for individuals, families, orphans, widows in financial distress in Alaska to Uganda and beyond. God is a loving Father who provides for his children.
- HELPING to train and equip others toward better employment and gain financial stability, from basic life skills to owning a business, building and employing... a sure footing on the Rock.
- OVERFLOWING the Kingdom goodness of God into others until they overflow into others as well, whether churched or unchurched/believer or non-believer.
- PRAY, PRAY, PRAY in faith, believing for those whom we assist to be eternally impacted by Jesus who himself is the one who meets all of our need according to His riches in glory (see Philippians 4:19), whether spiritually, financially, or physically.
- to SHARE within in a world of limitations the Kingdom of Heaven, which has none.
- to HERALD a blessed people who may have gone through hard times at some point in their lives and having received (tasted) of the goodness of God, to become radical givers to those who could use the same opportunity.
- to EMPOWER those who are RECIPIENTS of this ministry to eventually go out and bless others and likewise share the love of God through Jesus Christ in every way afforded them.
Thank you for joining us in this pursuit!
FATHER, we ask that you would multiply every seed sown, that we would be GREAT stewards of your resources and help others to be so as well. We ask for lives to be radically changed through the extravagant love of your death and resurrection in the person of your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, and through the amazing generosity/faith of your people. We ask that you would multiply the loaves in our day and show us how to join you in all that you do! In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.