Orphaned Man Helping Orphans - MTL BLOG - MultiplyTheLoaves.com
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Orphaned Man Helping Orphans
Published by Ervin Malcuit in Uganda Life · Monday 14 Oct 2024 ·  1:00
Tags: OrphanedManUgandaJoshuaMbogolischoolmaterialsorphanedyouthfundraisingeducationgeneralwellbeinggenuinelovecommunitysupport
Joshua Mbogoli, orphaned at a young age, takes good care of the orphaned youth under his care and those in his village. He raises funds for their food, education, and general well-being. Having had fairly long discussions with Joshua, it has become apparent that he not only desires to provide for these children materially, but also with great care - genuine love. He asks deep questions about life, asks for prayer, and posts prayer encouragement for others in the MTL organization. He is an amazing young man, a self-starter, entrepreneur, and an overall hard-worker. The story of his youth is one of heartache, having been abandoned by both parents, living in the streets, starvation, and physical/mental abuse. I deeply admire him for who he is today. He comes from such a harsh past but pushes on to a brighter future for those around him and himself.

"Sharing the supernatural provision & love of God through Jesus Christ with others in their time of need."

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